Health Care / Life Sciences and the Semantic Web - Susie Stephens Eli Lilly
Location: New York
Chapter: New York
Date: 10/8/2008
Speaker: Susie Stephens
Principal Research Scientist at Eli Lilly
Susie Stephens joined Eli Lilly in early 2007 as a Principal Research Scientist. Her role involves the creation of an Open Innovation Center in Boston in support of Lilly’s tailored therapeutics strategy. Her responsibilities include determining the business model for open innovation, and identifying and investing in external collaborations. Previously, Susie worked at Oracle where she led the development of the company’s core infrastructure product to enhance its capabilities for the life sciences industry. As such, she was heavily involved in providing support for RDF and OWL within the Oracle Database. Prior to joining Oracle, she was a Global Life Sciences Market Segment Manager at Sun Microsystems. Susie was previously chair of the W3C Semantic Web Education and Outreach Interest Group, and now co-chairs the W3C Semantic Web for Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group. She is well known speaker at conferences, has published over 30 industry papers, and is on the advisory board of three companies. Susie has a Ph.D. in physiology.