Using OWL and RDF to Achieve Enterprise Data Federation and Agile Analytics

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Using OWL and RDF to Achieve Enterprise Data Federation and Agile Analytics

Date: Feb 16, 2011 · 6:00 PM

Location: Booz Allan & Hamilton

Chapter: Maryland

Evend ID: 16401668


Semantic Web Spotlight (15 minutes) Co-organizer, John Hebeler begins his continuing series of short features that focuses on specific components to be considered when developing semantic applications. The series is designed to give 15-20 minute tutorials by building a working component that incrementally contributes to a useful, full-fledged Semantic Web application. This Meetup – outlines the overall solution and looks at data – the raw Semantic Web material. Each successive Meetup incorporates OWL/RDFS ontologies, registries/repositories, SPARQL, triple stores, programming frameworks, ontology alignment, transformation from XML, RDBMS, and cloud constructs, reasoning, rules, and more… The working solution will be publicly available to hold your contributions, comments and discussions at SourceForge and Knoodl. Come to get in on the ground level.

Spry Enterprises: Using OWL and RDF to Acheive Enterprise Federation and Agile Analytic Capabilities. (45 Minutes) An indepth technical discussion of the architecture, methodoloigies and semantic technologies that have been deployed by Spry ( to develop agile analytic capabilities previously unattainable by the Department of Defense. Keeping in line with the theme of John’s Spotlight, Spry will explain how they address the challenge of describing data to insure accurate discovery and interoperability. The presentation details how Spry’s agile development methodology, semantic project management, and "Operational Governance" capabilities are applied to facilitate and manage the development of an “Enterprise Information Web" The presentation will conclude with a demo of a current customer solution that include elaborate dashboards and a number of ontologies. "Spry Inc., is a women owned information management consulting firm based in MD.