Semantics and Cultural Heritage meet-up at The British Museum
Speaker: Barry Norton, Maria Theodoridou, Gabriel Moore Forell Bevilacqua
Date: Friday, September 12, 2014 - 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM GMT+1
Chapter: London
ID: 206146262
The British Museum, in cooperation with Lotico, will host a meet-up on the subject of semantics and cultural heritage in the Museum’s Asian Department Study room. Three talks are planned: Maria Theodoridou from the FORTH institute on Crete will present on Mapping Cultural Heritage Information to CIDOC-CRM, exemplified using the dFMRÖ coin database. Gabriel Moore Forell Bevilacqua from Universidade Federal Fluminense in Brazil will present on Representing Artist's Archives in the CIDOC-CRM family. Barry Norton from the British Museum will present on automatic annotation of the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead using CIDOC-CRM, FRBRoo and Museum Linked Data (continuing from a related talk at the UCL Digital Classicist seminar with a running demo using the GATE platform).
Anticipated to start at around 17h30 with talks starting in the Study Room at 18h00.