Semantic Web technologies at BBN, SHARD & Semantic Software Architecture (EIW)

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Chapter: Cambridge

Date: Feb 8, 2011 · 6:00 PM

Location: MIT Stata Center - Star Room

Event ID: 15614868

Event URL:

Semantic Web technologies developed at BBN

Dave Kolas BBN

Dave gives an overview of Semantic Web technologies that are currently in development at BBN and then focuses on a particular topic such as the Parliament triple-store and the Scout distributed query technology.

Slides | Video

SHARD - A distributed triple-store built on top of Hadoop

Kurt Rohloff BBN

Kurt is a scientist at BBN Technologies. He recently designed, built and released a proof of-concept distributed triple-store called SHARD.

SHARD is built on top of the Hadoop MapReduce implementation to provide distributed, scalable performance. The SHARD source is on sourceforge with a BSD open-source license and configured to run with Hadoop 0.18. Kurt has given talks about SHARD to the most recent SemTech and HadoopWorld workshops. There's a small community of people working with SHARD that he is trying to grow and foster.

Here are the relevant pages with the code and documentation if you're interested:


Semantic Software Architecture: Using Semantic Technology to Build the Enterprise Information Web (EIW)

Greg Milbank and David Schaengold, Revelytix

At the Semantic Web Summit in Boston, Nov 2010, Revelytix, CEO, Co-founder, Michael Lang, gave a presentation titled, "Semantic Software Architecture: Using Semantic Technology to Build the Enterprise Information Web (EIW)." (http://www.revelytix....). This was a related presentation to a keynote presented by Dennis Wisnowski, CTO, Chief Architect, Deputy Chief Management Office, Dept of Defense. Reveltix has been under contract to Dennis for two years. Dennis explained the strategy for systems development that the DoD had been using previously and used this forum to announce that the Department was adopting the EIW approach, which had been signed into policy the day before by the Office of the Secretary of Defense.







Stata Center
Star Room 4th Fl

