Jena, SPARQL and TDB - RDF at scale, a conversation with Andy Seaborne
Date: June 24, 2010
Location: Atlassian, 375 Alabama Street #325, Cross Street 17th, San Francisco, CA 94110
Slides: PDF
Video Presentation: Vimeo YouTube
This is a developer focused session for professional system deployment. This talk will introduce the Jena RDF framework, with a particular focus on the current storage subsystem TDB. We will give an overview of Jena, and how it operates as an open source project, then look at the SPARQL implementation and finish up with the architecture of one of the RDF storage systems for Jena.
6.00pm Welcome Introduction to Pizza & Soda
6.15pm Jena, SPARQL, and TDB - RDF at scale with Andy Seaborne
Andy is a Senior Architect and has worked in the area of Semantic Web at HP Labs and before that, he has been involved in projects at HP Labs on distributed object systems, fault tolerant systems and systems issues in print brokering on the web.
He is one of the original developers of Jena, a leading semantic web framework for Java applications, Andy specializes in the areas of storage and query of RDF data and have recently been investigating using machine clusters to provide a flexible, reliable and cost-effective high performance query system.
As part of that work , he was one of the editors of the SPARQL query language specification developed within W3C; my contribution included the SPARQL algebra that defines the semantics of the language. SPARQL became a standard in January 2008. Having created some community agreement around a proposal for SPARQL/Update, he is now active in the new SPARQL working group which is chartered to extend the query language further and also consider defining update capabilities.
Andy Seaborne’s focus:
Distributed systems research and development, especially when applied to systems for the web and for the sementic web. Creation of international standards and active participation in standards processes. Deep Java experience for designing and developing server-side systems, together with the usual web scripting languages in various degree of experience.