Data Gov - Bringing Government and Scientific Data to the Web

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Date: Sep 2, 2010 · 6:00 PM

Chapter: New York City

Location: JPMorgan Chase

Event ID: 14109835


Attendees: 111

At every level of government, electronic data has become increasingly central to those charged with forecasting and allocating funds for infrastructure and community projects. Now more than ever we depend on the availability and accessibility of data. And since this data is growing exponentially in size, we are confronted with critical questions of quality, reuseability and portability.

In this event of the New York Semantic Web group we will explore datasets and applications which are build based on the semantic web framework to address these issues. Currently, a number of teams around the world translate open datasets into RDF to link local data to the so called Linked Open Data (LOD) cloud. Consequently the projects make this linked data the resource for the development of new applications and demos that consume linked open data. is the primary source for much of the data that powers these applications to help smart people make better decisions in public and private organizations. This data pool is enriched with a number of publicly available datasets from industry, demographics and data from other countries and non-governmental organizations which will allow planners to make use of an unprecedented amount of reusable structured data for the decision making process.


6.00 pm Welcome

6.15 pm Open Data in Government - Gale A. Brewer, New York City Council Member

6.30 pm Data Gov - Jim Hendler, Tetherless World Senior Constellation Professor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

7.00 pm Semantic Web and Linked Data: Emerging Trends. Deborah L. McGuinness, Tetherless World Senior Constellation Professor (RPI)

7.30 pm The eScience revolution: Semantic Web platforms for massive scientific collaboration - Peter Fox, Professor and Tetherless World Research Constellation Chair (RPI)

8.00 pm QA Panel

8.30 pm Closing

If you would like to contribute to this session with your own story about publishing government data on the web with Semantic Web technologies please let us know.

We would like to thank JPMorgan Chase for hosting the New York Semantic Web group. And for supporting the local efforts of Lotico, your global semantic social network.

Gale A. Brewer

Council Member Gale A. Brewer has been representing the Upper West Side and the northern part of Clinton in the New York City Council since 2002. She was re-elected in the November 2009 general election with over 80 percent of the vote, receiving nearly 5,000 more votes than any of the other 50 Council Members who ran. In the November 2003 and 2005 elections, she received 86% and 80% of the vote, respectively. Her service in the Council is a continuation of nearly 30 years of public service. Brewer currently chairs the Committee on Governmental Operations. The Committee, consistent with its mandate, will review governmental structure and organization with an eye toward increasing both efficiency and accountability, particularly in the delivery of services and the use of technology. Brewer chaired the Committee on Technology in Government (now the Committee on Technology) from 2002-2009, where she worked to make better use of technology to save money, improve City services, and bring residents, businesses and non-profits closer to government and their communities. Council Member Brewer looks forward to integrating many of the practices of the Technology in Government to the Governmental Operations Committee.

Prof James Hendler

Jim Hendler is the Tetherless World Professor of Computer and Cognitive Science, and the Assistant Dean for Information Technology, at RPI. He is also an faculty affiliate of the Experimental Multimedia Performing Arts Center (EMPAC) and he also serves as a Director of the international Web Science Research Initiative and is a visiting Professor at the Institute of Creative Technology at DeMontfort University in Leicester, UK. Hendler has authored about 200 technical papers in the areas of artificial intelligence, Semantic Web, agent-based computing and high performance processing. One of the inventors of Semantic Web Hendler was the recipient of a 1995 Fulbright Foundation Fellowship, is a member of the US Air Force Science Advisory Board, and is a Fellow of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence and the British Computer Society. He is also the former Chief Scientist of the Information Systems Office at the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and was awarded a US Air Force Exceptional Civilian Service Medal in 2002. He is the Editor-in-Chief emeritus of IEEE Intelligent Systems and is the first computer scientist to serve on the Board of Reviewing Editors for Science.

Prof Deborah McGuinness

Deborah is the Tetherless World Senior Constellation Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Cognitive Science Department Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). Before her new role at RPI Deborah was the acting director and senior research scientist at the Knowledge Systems, (KSL) Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at Stanford University. She is a leading expert in knowledge representation and reasoning languages and systems and has worked in ontology creation and evolution environments for over 20 years. Most recently, Deborah is best known for her leadership role in semantic web research, and for her work on explanation, trust, and applications of semantic web technology, particularly for scientific applications. Deborah was co-editor of the Ontology Web Language which has emerged from web ontology working group of the World Wide Web (W3C) semantic web activity and has now achieved W3C Recommendation status. She helped start the web ontology working group out of work as a co-author of the DARPA Agent Markup Language program's DAML language. She helped form the Joint EU/US Agent Markup Language Committee which evolved the DAML language into the DAML+OIL description logic-based ontology language. She is a co-author of one of the more widely used long-lived description logic systems (CLASSIC) from Bell Laboratories. Her work on languages (including OWL, DAML+OIL, OIL, CLASSIC, etc.) is aimed at providing languages that enable the next generation of web applications moving from a web aimed at human consumption to the semantic web aimed at machine consumption in support of intelligent assistants and web agents. Deborah is a leader in ontology-based tools and applications.

Prof Peter Fox

Peter is the Tetherless World Research Constellation Chair for Climate Variability and Solar-Terrestrial Physics at RPI. He joined the Tetherless World Constellation in 2008. Formerly, he was the Chief Computational Scientist at the High Altitude Observatory (HAO) of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). Fox's research specializes in the fields of solar and solar-terrestrial physics, computational and computer science, information technology, and grid-enabled, distributed semantic data frameworks. This research utilizes state-of-the-art modeling techniques, internet-based technologies, including the semantic web, and applies them to large-scale distributed scientific repositories addressing the full life-cycle of data and information within specific science and engineering disciplines as well as among disciplines.


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